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List of Courses

Oral Medicine & Periodontology

  • Course Code :
    MPDR 411
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

1)- To foster knowledge that governs the principle periodontal diseases. 2)- To provide opportunities for review and analysis of a wide range of patients periodontal conditions. 3)- To expand students analytical skills relative to clinical signs and symptoms and treatment of periodontal diseases. 4)- To apply and predict the knowledge obtained for the appropriate management of periodontal health. 5)- To foster knowledge that governs the principle of oro-dental diseases 6)- To provide opportunities for review and analysis of a wide range of patients chief complaints. 7)- To expand students analytical skills relative to clinical signs and symptoms and adjunctive special investigations of oro-dental diseases 8)- To apply and predict the knowledge obtained for the appropriate diagnosis of oro-dental diseases.

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

immunology:Innate immunity, Plasma proteins, Antigen characteristics, Superantigen, Adjuvants, Immunomodulator, Cell mediated immune response (T lymphocytes and Cytokines) , Humoral immune response (B lymphocytes), Complement , periodontology: histology, classification, etiology , pathogenesis, Plaque induced gingivitis, Chronic periodontitis, Dental plaque. and role of local predisposing factors of periodontal disease.

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Define different types of periodontal diseases.
2- Recognize the different instruments, devices and methods used in the field of periodontology.
3- State scientific rules for etiology of periodontal diseases..
4- Describe the local and systemic modifying factors of influence on the etiology periodontal diseases.
5- Review the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases.
6- Explain different treatment modalities used by the periodontist.
7- Recognize normal landmarks of a healthy periodontium
8- Describe information about the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, prevention and prognosis of periodontal diseases
9- Recall different techniques and methods which aid the periodontist in diagnosis of different periodontal diseases.
10- Memorize periodontal surgeries and the regenerative techniques used to treat various periodontal conditions.
11- List general aspects of dental implantology, periodontal care for dental implants and etiology and management of periimplantitis.
12- Define different types of oral diagnosis
13- Recognize the different instruments,devices and methods used in the field of oral diagnosis.
14- State scientific rules for obtaining patient history.
15- Describe different types of questions asked to the patient according to the relevant psychological and scientific background.
16- Review different types of chief complaints
17- Explain different techniques of oral examination.
18- Recognize normal landmarks both extra-oral and intra-oral.
19- Describe information about the etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, prevention and prognosis of oral and oral-related disorders.
20- Recall different laboratory tests which aid the dentist in diagnosis of different oral lesions.
21- Memorize rules of referral and consultations
22- List general aspects of dental practice including esthetics, medico-legal considerations, management and maintenance of a safe working environment.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Analyze the different data obtained by the patient related to his/her periodontal condition
2- Differentiate between different types of periodontal diseases
3- Relate information obtained from the patient to his periodontal condition
4- Analyze answers to the different types of questions asked to the patient.
5- Differentiate between different types of chief complaints.
6- Distinguish between the range of normal clinical
7- Interpret signs and symptoms and physical findings
8- Distinguish between the range of normal periodontal finding and abnormal deviations present.
9- Interpret signs and symptoms and physical finding in terms of their anatomic, pathologic, and functional periodontal diagnostic significance.
10- To amalgamate the obtained clinical and investigational data base with the evidence – based knowledge and skill of deductive reasoning to be proficient in clinical problem solving.
11- Compose a prioritized list of treatment planning to the different periodontal conditions

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Use different instruments and techniques of clinical examination and understand their limitations and hazards
2- Relate information obtained from the patient history to its chief complaints.
3- Apply the brief concise periodontal case.
4- Examination in a special periodontal informed consents
5- Use different instruments and techniques of periodontal examination and understand their limitations and hazards.
6- Practice a comprehensive periodontal examination
7- Apply a brief concise case history in an informed consent.
8- Practice a comprehensive extra oral and intra oral examination including head and neck oral hard and soft tissues and properly obtain vital signs
9- Select the medical and dental history items relevant to chief compliant/s reported by the patient.
10- Finding and abnormal deviations present
11- in terms of their anatomic, pathologic, and functional.
12- Diagnostic significance.
13- To amalgamate the obtained clinical and investigational data base with the evidence-based knowledge and skill of deductive reasoning to be proficient in clinical problem solving.
14- Compose a prioritized list of tentative diagnosis, differential diagnosis and final diagnosis of each presented chief complaint/s.
15- Demonstrate appropriate professional attitudes and behavior in dealing with staff members and helping personnel.
16- Choose the effective communication means with other health care professionals to maximize patient benefits and minimize the risk of errors.
17- Use an appropriate formal and informal consultation with specialists in situations that are beyond the scope of their knowledge and skills.
18- Recognize infection control policies.
19- Select the medical and dental history items relevant to chief complaint/s reported by the patient.
20- Propose an individualized treatment plan for different periodontal C Assess treatment options to be done by the general dentist and those that need referral to a specialist conditions as well performing the Ca Appraise his/her duty to manage periodontal health of the patient with special needs use related phase.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Demonstrate respect to all patients irrespective of their socioeconomic level and cultural beliefs.
2- Converse with patients in an attentive manner that conveys concern, compassion and encouragement to patients or their families.
3- Point out to the patient the nature of his/her condition, different treatment options and possible complications in such a way that is easily understood, answers patient questions and encourage discussion.
4- Demonstrate appropriate professional attitudes and behavior in dealing with staff members and helping personnel
5- Choose the effective communication means with other health care professionals
6- To maximize patient benefits and minimize the risk of errors
7- Use an appropriate formal and informal consultations with specialists in situations that are beyond the scope of their knowledge and skills
8- Recognize infection control policies
9- Apply the health and safety regulations as they affect dental practice and environment
10- Apply the information technology as a mean of communication for data collection and analysis and for life long learning
11- Demonstrate a professional image in a manner, dress, speech, and interpersonal
12- Relationship that is consistent with the health care international standards
13- Appraise the socioeconomic, cultural.
14- Geographic and occupational factors that may influence etiology of oral pathological conditions
15- Propose an individualized treatment plan for different chief complaints
16- Assess treatment options to be done by general dentist and those that need referral and consultation.
17- Recommended the need of initial medical emergencies management as basic life support.
18- Appraise his/her duty to manage oral health of the patient with special needs.
19- Apply the health and safety regulations as
20- They affect dental practice and environment

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Normal Periodontium 4
Classification of Periodontal disease. 4
Etiology of periodontal disease. The dental plaque. Dental calculus 4
Pathogensis of periodontal disease 4
Role of local predisposing factors in periodontal disease 4
Effects of systemic conditions on the periodontium, 4
Periodontal diseases. 4
Gingival diseases. 4
Diagnosis,prognosis and treatment planning. 4
Control of dental plaque. Periodontal surgery. 4
Regeneration procedures. 4
Mucogingival surgery. 4

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures With Discussions
Tutorial classes :- . a. Small group teaching b. Computer projection c. role playing
Case Study :- a. Demonstration using computer projection b. Demonstrate with a patient c. Discussion and practice of the diagnostic skills d. Skills
Guest speaker
Panel of experts

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Final written Examination 25.00
Mid-term Examination 30.00 assess knowledge and understanding & general intellectual skills
Mid-term Practical Examination 20.00 assess knowledge and understanding & professional Skills & general intellectual skills
Oral Examination 10.00 to assess knowledge and understanding ( and assessment, general and professional skills & general intellectual skills )
Practical Examination 15.00

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology


Book Author Publisher
Burket's Oral Medicine, 13th ed (E-book) Michael Glick Wiley Blackwell
Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 13th ed (E-book) Michael G. Newman Elsevier Inc.

Course notes :

The department book available for students from the department

Periodicals :

- Cawson Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine . Cawson and Odell, 7th Edition, 2002 - Color Atlas of Oral Pathology, Cawson and Odell, 2nd Edition, 1999 - Clinical problem solving in dentistry. 1st Edition, 2002

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