With the very wide range of our curriculum comes the need for many laboratories, each of them differently serving the undergraduate dental education.
Eighteen fully equipped laboratories, with a capacity of twenty five students each, serving all basic sciences: physical and organic chemistry, physics, botany, genetics, zoology, biochemistry, and physiology. These labs are all located on one level for easy access and for better circulation of the students in the foundation year, and the preclinical phase.
Pre-clinical simulation labs, each equipped with forty phantom heads, are assigned for students to practice and improve their handling skills in, for example, operative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics, and endodontics. During the preclinical phase the students practice almost all specialties on simulators to help them gain the knowledge, experience, and skills, needed before they practice on patients.
Two labs with a capacity of forty students each are designated for the preclinical courses of Biomaterials and Removable Prosthodontics. In these labs the students learn the physical properties of the materials used in dentistry in addition to the preclinical level of prosthodontics.
Three dry laboratories with a capacity of fifty students are designated for oral histology, oral pathology, general pathology and general histology courses. All have microscopes and other educational facilities, with data shows.
Three dental technology labs, staffed by highly qualified and trained technicians, are fully equipped to do all the acrylic, precious metals, and porcelain prosthesis, augmented by highly trained dental technicians to assist and serve the dental training of our interns.