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List of Courses

Oral Medicine & Periodontology

  • Course Code :
    MPDR 513
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

• To foster knowledge that governs the principle of diseases that affects the oral cavity and adjacent structures.. • To provide opportunities for review and analysis of a wide range of oral diseases. • To expand students analytical skills relative to clinical signs and symptoms and adjunctive special investigations of oral diseases • To apply and predict the knowledge obtained for the appropriate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of oral diseases. • To apply and predict the knowledge obtained for the appropriate diagnosis of oro-dental diseases.

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

White and red lesions ( etiology, classification e.g. leukoplakia, erythroplakia, oral candidosis, leukedma, lichen planus and radition mucositis), lupus erythmatosis, pigmented lesions (types and etiologic classification, function of melanin, jaundice, pigmented nevus and polystotic fibrous dysplasia) and Oral ulcers (classification, etiology, reactive ulcers, syphillis, viral infection, immunological and cancer chemotherapy)

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Define different types of hypersensitivity reactions
2- Recognize the different mechanisms of the human immunological system
3- State etiology, clinical picture, histopathology
4- Prognosis, treatment and dental implications of White lesions affecting oral tissues.
5- Describe etiology, clinical picture, histopa-thology, prognosis, treatment and dental implications of oral ulcers affecting oral tissues.
6- Review different types of blood diseases having
7- Dental implications
8- Describe dental management of patients suffering from systemic diseases
9- Recognize different types of oro-facial pain and their management
10- Describe information about the . Etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, prevention and prognosis of oral and facial hyper pigmentation
11- Recall different diseases affecting the salivary glands, their etiology pathogenesis and treatment
12- Memorize infection diseases endangering the dentist and methods of infection control
13- List general aspects of dental practice including esthetics, medico-legal considerations, management and maintenance of a safe working environment.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Demonstrate respect to all patients irrespective of their socioeconomics level and cultural beliefs.
2- Converse with patients in an attentive manner that conveys concern, compassion and encouragement to patients or their families.
3- Point out to the patient the nature of his/her condition, different treatment options and possible complications in such away that is easily understood answers patient questions and encourages discussion

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Apply the brief concise case history in an informed consent.
2- Use different instruments and techniques of clinical examination and understand their limitations and hazards.
3- Analyze data collected from the different signs and symptoms revealed during the patient examination
4- Differentiate between different types of oral diseases.
5- Relate information obtained from the patient examination to its oral and systemic condition
6- Practice a comprehensive extra oral and intra oral examination including head and neck, oral hard and soft tissues and properly obtain vital signs.
7- Select the medical and dental history items relevant to chief compliant/s reported by the condition of the patient
8- Distinguish between the range of normal clinical findings and abnormal deviations present.
9- Interpret signs and symptoms and physical findings in terms of their anatomic, pathologic, and functional.
10- Diagnostic significance
11- To amalgamate the obtained clinical and investigational data base with the evidence-based knowledge and skill of deductive reasoning to be proficient in clinical problem solving. thus reaching a proper treatment to the patient condition
12- Compose a prioritized list of tentative diagnosis, differential diagnosis and final diagnosis and treatment plan of each presented chief complaint/s.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Demonstrate respect to all patients irrespective of their socioeconomic level and cultural beliefs
2- Converse with patients in an attentive manner that conveys concern, compassion and encouragement to patients or their families.
3- Point out to the patient the nature of his/her condition, different treatment options and possible complications in such a way that s easily understood, answers patient questions and encourages discussion.

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Oral lesions 7
White and red lesions of the oral mucosa 7
Oral ulcers 7
Clotting disorders 7
Bleeding disorders 7
Red blood cells disorders 7
White blood cells disorders 7
Dental management of systemic diseases 7
Oro facial pain 7
Diseases of the tongue 7

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures With Discussions
Small group sessions
Tutorial classes :- • Small group teaching • Computer projection • role playing
Case Study :- • Demonstration using computer projection • Demonstrate with a patient • Discussion and practice of the diagnostic and treatment skills
Guest speaker
Panel of experts

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
1st Mid-term Examination 15.00 6 assess knowledge and understanding & general intellectual skills
2nd Mid-term Examination 15.00 12 assess knowledge and understanding & general intellectual skills
Class work 20.00 assess knowledge & understanding & …. Professional skills & general intellectual skills
Final term Examination 25.00
Oral Examination 10.00 to assess knowledge and understanding & professional skills & general intellectual skills
Practical Examination 15.00 assess knowledge and understanding & professional skills & general intellectual skills

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Oral Medicine & Periodontology


Book Author Publisher
Burket's Oral Medicine, 13th ed (E-book) Michael Glick Wiley Blackwell
Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 13th ed (E-book) Michael G. Newman Elsevier Inc.

Course notes :

The department book available for students from the department

Recommended books :

- Cawson Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine . Cawson and Odell, 7th Edition, 2002. - Color Atlas of Oral Pathology, Cawson and Odell, 2nd Edition, 1999 - Burket Oral Medicine, Greenberg and Glick, 10th Edition, 2003

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