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List of Courses

Crowns & Bridges Technology

  • Course Code :
    PROS 321
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

• To educate the students about the basics of different principles of tooth preparation. • To enable the students to recognize and use the different cutting instruments.. • To enable the students to understand the different technical laboratory steps of full metal and jacket crown preparation

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Crowns & Bridges Technology

Basic knowledge about the terminology and classification,instruments, types of finish lines, principles of tooth reduction, full metal crown preparation and casting procedures

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Crowns & Bridges Technology

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Define the different principles of tooth preparation
2- Recognize the different cutting instruments
3- Identify the different technical laboratory steps of tooth preparation of full metal and Jacket crown and various types of restorations

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Recognize the health and and safety regulations within the laboratory
2- Maintain a professional image in a manner, dress, speech, and

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Apply the principles of tooth preparation
2- Use Properly the appropriate instrument
3- Perform satisfactorily the different technical steps of full metal and all ceramic ( Jacket ) crowns preparation

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Health safety-infection control implement infection control policies
2- Recognition of the value and role of life long learning, self assessment, and critical thinking in maintaining competency.
3- Evaluate personal progress and be able to assess ones weakness and strengths.
4- Ethical behavior and professionalism
5- Have integrity,honesty and trustworthiness
6- Treat the Patient as a person not as a disease
7- Maintain a professional image in manner, dress, speech, and interpersonal
8- Skills related to social and community context of health care :
9- Understand epidemiological techniques used to determine social, behavioral,

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Crowns & Bridges Technology

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Terminology and Classification 5 Terminology and Classification Terminology and Classification
Terminology and Classification 5 Terminology and Classification Terminology and Classification
Instruments 5 Instruments Instruments
Full metal crown 5 Full metal crown Full metal crown
Full metal crown 5 Full metal crown Full metal crown
Principles of tooth preparation 5 Principles of tooth preparation Principles of tooth preparation
Principles of tooth preparation 5 Principles of tooth preparation Principles of tooth preparation
Principles of tooth preparation 5 Principles of tooth preparation Principles of tooth preparation
Principles of tooth preparation 5 Principles of tooth preparation Principles of tooth preparation
Jacket crown 5 Jacket crown Jacket crown+2nd Midterm
Jacket crown 5 Jacket crown Jacket crown
Revision 5 Revision Revision
Revision 5 Revision Revision

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Crowns & Bridges Technology

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Clinical sessions
Small group discussion
Practical (Laboratory) Training and Requirements

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Crowns & Bridges Technology

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
1st Mid Term Exam 15.00 assess knowledge and understanding
2nd Mid Term Exam 15.00 assess knowledge and understanding
Final Practical Examination 15.00 clinical skills , intellectual and general
Final Written Examination 25.00 knowledge and understanding.
Oral Examination 10.00
Practical Work 20.00 assess clinical skills , intellectual and general skills

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Crowns & Bridges Technology


Book Author Publisher
Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics Rosenstiel Elsevier
McCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics, 13th ed. (E-book) Alan B. Carr Elsevier Inc.

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