Future University In Egypt (FUE)
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New Cairo

List of Courses

General Microbiology

  • Course Code :
    SGS 392
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    2.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

-To provide the basic knowledge about microorganisms including bacteria, viruses and fungi especially those causing diseases relevant to dentistry. -To enable the students to understand the infection control measures that should be applied in clinic & different methods of sterilization & disinfection in ordre to protect themselves and their patients from cross infection or contaminations . - To provide the basic knowledge about the immunity as well as the possible consequences of failure of immune system . - To enable students to understand the different mechanisms of action of antimicrobial agents as well as their complications. - To enable the students to have practical skills about the conventional & advanced methods used for diagnosis of bacterial diseases - To provide the students with information about Oral bacterial flora & the oral defense mechanisms .

For further information :

General Microbiology

the course aim for understanding general virology, Herpes, Hepatitis and HIV. Microbiology of caries, periodontal diseases, periapical ulcers, and mouth ulcers.Studying staph, stepto, neisseria, diphtheria and anaerobic candida in laboratory diagnosis.

For further information :

General Microbiology

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Basic structure ,classification ,growth requirements and genetics of bacteria as well as antimicrobial agents.
2- Bacterial , viral and fungal diseases of importance for dental students.
3- The overall interaction of different cells of the immune system ,the soluble mediators of immunity as well as the consequences of failure or exaggeration of immune response

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- The proper choice of proper antimicrobial agents in order to avoid their possible side effect & prevent emergence of drug resistance.
2- The proper choice of suitable disinfectant for disinfection of clinical contact surfaces & housekeeping surfaces.
3- The proper choice of method of sterilization for different instruments or articles

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Technique of Hand washing &barrier precautions (e.g., heavy-duty utility gloves, masks, protective eyewear) when cleaning and disinfecting environmental surfaces.
2- knowledge about different parts of microscope & how to adjust it for better identification of organism
3- Differentiation between different types of bacteria under the microscope according to their morphology ,staining character & arrangement
4- General skills about selective media used for isolation of organisms causing diseases relevant to dentistry.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Self confidence, communication skills
2- Pleasure of learning
3- Thinking & comprehension of subject are the best methods for learning

For further information :

General Microbiology

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
First semester contents 4
Prokaryotes VS eukaryotes - Bacterial classification - Bacterial cell structure 4 Infection control measures in dentistry
Bacterial genetics -Host- parasites relationship -Bacterial growth curve 4 Physical methods of Sterilization
Antimicrobial agents 4 Microscopy & bacterial staining
Disinfection 4 Conventional bacterial identification methods
Components of the immune system 4 Immunological diagnosis of Infectious diseases
Tissues & cells involved in the immune response 4 Molecular diagnosis of Infectious diseases
Antigen and immunogenicity -Immunoprophylaxis 4 Antibiotic susceptibility testing
Cell- mediated immunity Cytokines 4 Tutorials
Humoral immunity -Immunoglobulins 4 Tutorials
Hypersensitivity reactions 4 Tutorials
Tumor immunology 4 Tutorials
Oral Defense mechanisms 4 Tutorials
Second semester contents
Oral microbial flora 4
Staphylococci 4
Streptococci & Pneumococci 4
Neisseria Corynebacterium Diphtheria 4
Mycobacteria 4
Spirochaetes 4
Anaerobic bacteria 4
Fungal infections 4
Basic Virology 4
Hepatitis viruses 4
Oncogenic viruses 4
Human Immunodeficiency virus 4
Herpes viruses 4

For further information :

General Microbiology

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Tutorials ( class discussion)

For further information :

General Microbiology

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Practical Examination 15.00 16 assess Practical, intellectual, general skills.
Semester Work 20.00
1st Mid-Term Examination 15.00 5 assess Knowledge and understanding
2nd Mid-Term Examination 15.00 11 assess Knowledge and understanding
Final Examination 25.00 15
Oral Examination 10.00 16 to assess Knowledge and understanding…as well as the self confidence of students

For further information :

General Microbiology


Book Author Publisher

Course notes :

-Hand out -Computer-aided learning materials " CD"

Recommended books :

Free reading

Periodicals :

Trends in Immunology Online Microbiology & Immunology data base

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