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List of Courses

Clinical Restorative Dentistry

  • Course Code :
    CONS 413
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    2.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

• This is the second in a series of three courses that are designed to teach the etiology , diagnosis , treatment and prevention of the disease , dental caries and its sequelae , developmental , disturbances , and regressive alterations that can occur to the teeth. • He aim of this course is to present the general information necessary to understand the fundamentals of the clinical course of operative dentistry : a- To enable the student to understand and apply the basic clinical principles of operative dentistry that constitutes the main demands of the daily practice which includes different patients management during and after the treatment ( patient reception , examination , diagnosis , treatment planning , infection control , moisture control and control of pain ). b- To enable the student to understand princip;es of caries control and management . c- To enable the student to be familiar with the available restorative material and their selection . d- To enable the student to apply the gained information about the available restorative materials clinically

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Clinical Restorative Dentistry

understanding patient assessment, examination, diagnosis and treatment planning. Sterilization and infection control. Moisture control. Managment of deep caries and esthetic restoration of posterior teeth. Control of pain, temporary restorations, and health hazards.

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Clinical Restorative Dentistry

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Describe the appropriate patient position and identify the requirements which should be fulfilled regarding the operative positions .
2- Infection control.
3- Describe and apply the principles of infection control and universal precaution techniques used in dental practice.
4- Describe the importance of infection control techniques to the dentist and his staff and patients.
5- Examination of the patient
6- Diagnosis
7- Treatment Planning
8- Isolation of the operating field
9- List the reasons and methods for moisture control
10- Describe the rational for using the rubber dam
11- Perform a comprehensive patient evaluation that collects patient history including medication , chief compliant , biological , behavioral , cultural and socioeconomic information needed to assess the patient's medical and oral condition
12- Perform a differential provisional , or definitive diagnosis by interpreting and correlating findings from the history and the patient interview , the clinical and radiographic examination , and other diagnostic tests and develop a problem list
13- Develop properly sequenced , alternative treatment plans as appropriate to achieve patient satisfaction and that considers the patient's medical history and all the diagnostic data ; to discuss the diagnosis and treatment options to obtain informed consent ; and to modify the accepted plan based upon regular evaluation , unexpected situations , or special patient needs
14- Demonstrate the proper placement and use of the rubber dam , clamps , gingival retractor and frame to achieve field isolation
15- Describe Materials , techniques , and processes involved with management of deep carious lesion
16- Temporary restoration
17- Health hazards in operation room

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Analyze symptoms & signs and construct a differential diagnosis for common presenting complaints

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- The student will be able to perceive the patients and prepair the operating position and field accurately
2- Demonstrate surgical removal of carious lesions and temporization of teeth
3- Demonstrate the ability to prepare and restore simple and compound cavities with amalgam or composit
4- Recognize urgent life-threatening conditions

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Apply ethical principles to professional practice.

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Clinical Restorative Dentistry

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Pt. assessment ,examination 3
Diagnosis &treatment plan 3
Infection control 3
Control of oral fluids 3
Managements of deep caries 3
Managements of deep caries 3
Managements of deep caries 3
Esthetic restoration of posterior teeth 3
Control of pain 3
Temp. restoration 3
Health hazards 3

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Clinical Restorative Dentistry

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures with discussions
Small group sessions
. Tutorial classes • Small group teaching • Computer projections • Projector slides. • Videotapes

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Clinical Restorative Dentistry

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
1st Mid Term Examinations 15.00 assess knowledge and understanding
2nd Mid Term Examinations 15.00 assess knowledge and understanding
Final Practical Examination 15.00
Final Written Examination
Mid Term Practical Examinations 20.00 assess clinical skills, intellectual and general skills
Oral Examination 10.00

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Clinical Restorative Dentistry


Book Author Publisher
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp, 12th ed. (e-book) Louis H. Berman Elsevier
Endodontics: Principles and Practice, 6th ed. (e-book) Mahmoud Torabinejad Elsevier

Course notes :

Department note

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