Concerning the pulp and periapical disease , by the end of the course students should be able to a- Identify etiologic factors causing pulp inflammation and spread of pulpal inflammation into the periradicular tissue. b- Classify pulpal and periradicular disease and describe their subjective , clinical and radiographic features . state the histopathological features responsible for such symptoms and signs.
Concerning adontogenic and non odontogenic pain by the end of the course students should be able to a- Describe the physiology of pain mechanism b- Describe the different between dentinal pain and pilpal c- Explain how referred and spreading pain may lead to misdiagnosis d- Recognize the different between odontogenic and non odontogenic origin.
Concerning pulpal and periapical microbiology and immunology , by the end of the course students should be able to a- Describe portal of entry of microorganisms to the pulp and periradicular tissue b- Understand the significance of microorganisms in pulpal and periradicular tissue c- Describe the predominante bacteria , their virulence and the reaction of the pulp and periradicular tissues to bacteria. d- Discusse the rational for debridement of root canal system e- Describe the indications and methods for microbial sampling of endodontic infections. f- List specific and non specific mediators of pulp inflammation g- Understand and describe the role of immune system in flammatory process
Concerning application of thgerapcutics in endodontics , by the end of the course students should be able to a- Understand the indications and contraindications for prescribing analgestics , antibiotics , anti-inflammatory agents and anxiolytics b- List the most commonly indicated types of anitibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents and anxiolytics
Concerning the pulp space morphology and macroscopic anatomy , by the end of the course students should be able to a- Define the pulp space and list and describe its major components b- List for each tooth type , the average length , number of roots , most common root curvatures and the most frequest variations in root and pulp anatomy
Concerning the endodontics instruments , by the end of the course students should be able to a- List and describe the basic set of instruments appropriate for these procedures : control access preparation , disgnosis , tooth length determination , radicular preparation , and obturation b- Describe the design ( longitudinal , cross-sectional , and tip configuration ) c- Explain the basis for standardization of hand and rotary operated instruments d- Describe the action and use hand and rotary instruments used for cleaning and shaping the root canal e- Recognize factors that will predispose to instrument fracture example visible changes and number of usage f- Select the appropriate sterilization methods for endodontic instruments and materials.
Concerning tooth isolation , by the end of the course students should be able to a- describe reasons for rubber dam isolation during endodontic procedures. b- List the identify the appropriate clamp selection for anterior , premolar and molar teeth. c- Describe techniques for application of clamp / rubber dam in single-tooth isolation. d- Describe temporization of extensively damaged teeth and special approaches , which are necessary for rubber dam isolation.
concerning the endodontic coronal access cavity preparation , by the end of the course student should be able to a- Identify major objectives and anatomic relevance of access preparation in both anterior and posterior teeth. b- State techniques for difficukt – to – find chambers or canals c- List errors that might occur during coronal access preparation , their prevention , and treatment if possible.
Concerning the endodontics working length of determination , by the end of the course students be able to a- Deacribe the relationships between anatomic apex , radiographic apex and the actual location of the apical foramen b- Describe the technique to obtain the working length c- Recognize why many root curvatures and extra canals are not apparent on standard radiographs and suggest methods revealing them.
Concerning the cleaning and shaping of the root canal , by the end of the course students be able to a- Describe objectives for cleaning and shaping of root canal b- Describe techniques for standardized , flaring ( step back and / or crown down ) preparations. c- State the importance of early radicular access. d- Define how to determine Appropriate size of the master apical file, e- Describe techniques for shaping canals that are irregular , such as round , oval , kidney shape f- List the techniques of prepariations in different root canal classes and systems. g- List radicular preparation errors and describe how to avoid and correct if possible h- Describe techniques for negotiating severly curved , or blocked or ledged canals
Concerning root canal irrigation and intracanal medication, by the end of the course , students should be able to : a- List ideal irrigant properties and identify which irrigant meets most of these criteria. b- State needles gauges and types used and techniques that provide maximal and safe irrigant effect. c- Discuss the role of chelating and decalcifying agents d- Discuss the role of intracanal , interappointment medicaments and proper temporization
Concerning root canal obturation , by the end of the course students should be able to a- Describe the purpose of obturation and reasons why inadequate obturation may result in treatment failure. b- Recogniz the technical and clinical criteria that determine when to obdurate and describe the preparation of canal for obturation and the significance of smear layer. c- Describe cold lateral compaction of gutta-percha d- Discuss the technique for fitting the master cone and the significance of depth of spreader penetration during compaction e- Describe vertical compaction technique of heat softened gutta-percha f- Describe briefly other techniques used for obturation and their indications g- List requirements , indications of sealer and available types h- Describe a technique for mixing and placing sealer i- Describe technique for removing exc
by the end of the course , students should be able to : a- Define ethical principles including : autonomy , nonmaleficence , beneficence , justice , veracity , and fidelity . b- List of items included inendodontic treatment record including the follow up visits . c- Understand the importance of keeping a treatment record and of obtaining an informed consent