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List of Courses

Clinical Endodontics

  • Course Code :
    CONS 534
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    2.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

Part I: Science of endodontics • Demonstrate sound clinical judgment in the diagnosis, selection of cases for treatment, and formulating a treatment planfor individual cases Part II: Clinical and art of endodontics • Be competent in performing root canal treatment clinically in uncomplicated single and multicanaled human permanent teeth with pulpal and periradicular including necrotic pulp with or without periradicular involvement. • Provide appropriate emergency treatment for the relief of symptoms associated with pulpal and periradicular diseases. • Reach level of competency both diagnostically and technically with the capability to perform self-evaluation. The end result is independent thinking and action; the ultimate benefit is providing quality care the patient. Paert III: Related clinical topics • Be aware of preventive techniques for diseases and conditions involving the pulpal and periradicular tissues in permanent and young permanent teeth. • Provide primary management of trauma. • Be familiar with diagnosis and technical procedures involved in endodontic surgery • Be familiar with etiology of tooth discoloration and perform appropriate bleaching procedures • Be familiar with interrelationship with other specialties example; periodontal, restorative, prosthodontic, and orthodontic. • Manage uncomplicated retreatment • Consider the possibility of referral to a specialist in complicated cases • Be updated with new technology in endodontics. • Develop and acquire general skills and attitude including: health safety and infection control, communication skills ( patient – staff member and with other healthcare professionals ), Life-long learning, ethical behavior and the profession’s wider responsibility towards the community as a whole.

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Clinical Endodontics

understanding Case selection in Endodontics, Bleaching of teeth, Root resorption and dealing with it, Traumatic injuries and The vital Pulp Therapy. clinical endodontic treatment for anterior and premolar teeth

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Clinical Endodontics

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- - Concerning plan of treatment and endodentic timetable, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Make it clear to the patient the steps involved in root canal treatment, the number of appointments, potential postoperative discomfort and the number of appointments, potential postoperative discomfort and alternative to endodontic treatment b)- Identify the difference intreatment plan between different pulp and periapical conditions and diseases c)- Develop a treatment plan consisting of appropriate endodontic and pharmacologic strategies for managing pain, anxiety, and infections. d)- Recognize the importance of follow up visits
2- Concerning endodontic radiography, by the end of the course students should be able to
3- Discuss special applications of radiography to endodontics, and how to differentiate between endodontics and non-endodontic lesions.
4- Describe the reasons and the procedure of varying the horizontal and vertical cone angulations to create image shift ( SLOB rule )
5- Describe how to detect the presence and to locate undiscovered canals on angled working radiographs.
6- Describe specific details of film placement and cone alignment for each tooth on working radiographs.
7- - Concerning emergency treatment in endodontics, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Identify causes of emergencies as they occur before treatment, between appointments ( interappointment flare-up ), and after obturation. b)- Describe the emotional status of emergency patient and explain how this complicates diagnosis and treatment c)- Describe factors that affect pain perception and pain reaction and how these are managed. d)- Describe and outline a sequential approach to different endodontic emergencies. e)- Outline a system of subjective and objective examinations and radiographic finding to identify the source of emergency pain and the pulpal or periradicular diagnosis. f)- Detail the pharmacologic supportive therapy ( analgesics, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory agents
8- - Concerning traumatic injuries to permanent teeth, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Describe the clinical and radiographic features of the following:enamel fractures, crown fractures without pulp exposures, crown fracture with pulp exposure, crown root fracture, root fracture, tooth luxation, ( concussion, subluxation, lateral luxation, extrusive luxation, intrusive luxation ) avulsion b)- Describe possible short-and long-term responses of pulp, periradiculat tissues, and hard tissues to anamel fractures, crown fractures without pulp exposures, crown fracture with pulp exposure, crown root fracture,root fracture, tooth luxation, ( Concussion, subluxation, lateral luxation, extrusive luxation, intrusive luxation ) avulsion c)- Describe the subjective and objective examination of patients with dental
9- - Concerning relationship with other dental specialties, by the and of the course students should be able to a)- State the anatomic pathways of communication between the dental pulp and the periodontium b)- Describe the effects of pulpal disease and endodontic procedures on the periodontium c)- Describe the effects of periodontal disease and procedures on the pulp d)-recognize the potential adverse effects of bleaching and discuss means of prevention
10- - Concerning restoration of endodontically treated teeth, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Describe the role of the restoration in the longevity of endodontically treated teeth and the structural importance of remaining tooth structure. b)- Describe requirements of an adequate restoration and how it protects and seals coronally. c)- Identify restorative options before commencing root canal treatment d)-List the principle temporary filling materials and describe techniques for their placement and removal.
11- - Concerning preventive endodontics, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Describe the indications, prognosis and procedures for vital pulp therapy b)- Identify situations in which a tooth with an open apex requires vital pulp therapy or root and closure and root canal therapy c)- Explain why nonsurgical root canal treatment and periapical surgery are technically difficult in a tooth with open apex. d)- Describe how to perform root-end closure and recognize the success or failure of treatment of an open apex
12- - Concerning restoration of endodentically treated teeth, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Describe the role of the restoration in the longevity of endodontically treated teeth and the structural importance of remaining tooth structure. b)- Describe requirements of an adequate restoration and how it protects and seals coronally. c)- Identify restorative options before commercing root canal treatment d)- List the principle temporary filling materials and describe techniques for their placement and rremoval.
13- - Concerning preventive endodontics, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Describe the indications, prognosis and procedures for vital pulp therapy b)- Identify situations in which a tooth with an open apex requires vital pulp therapy or root end closure and root canal therapy c)- Explain why nonsurgical root canal treatment and peripheral surgery are technically difficult in a tooth with open apex. d)- Describe how to perform root-end closure and recognize the success or failure of treatment af an open apex
14- - Concerning geriatric endodontics, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Discuss age changes in the older dental pulp, both physiologic and anatomic b)- Describe complications presented by the medically compromised older patients. c)- Describe the process of diagnosis and treatment planning in the elderly patient d)- Discuss why there are differences and what those differences are when root canal treatment is performed in the older paient
15- - by the end of the course students should be able to describe the causes,prevention and treatment of the procedural accidents that might occur during clinical endodentics
16- - by the end of the course, students should be updated with new technology in endodontics.
17- - The student should interpret the subjective symptoms and objective finding to identify the nature of pulp or periapical disease
18- When pulpal and or periapical pathosis has been identified, the student should be able to distinguish its probable cause, estimate its serverity, design proper treatment consistent with his training and estimate the probable prognosis.
19- -The student should be able to demonstrate ability to critique completed clinical procedure
20- - Concerning endodontic examination and diagnosis, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Define subjective symptoms and objective findings b)- State the reasons and procedures for reviewing the chief compliant, medical, dental histories and present illness. c)- Identify the aspect of pain most important in diagnosis d)- Discuss the purpose of and procedures for extraoral and intraoral examination of soft and hard tissues including clinical pulp and teste, percussion, palpation test cavity, selective anesthesia, and transillumination tests. e)- Describe radiographic finding that may indicate pulpal or periapical pathosis. f)- State the pulpal and periapical diagnosis, using appropriate terminology according to the diagnostic findings.
21- - Concerning case selection, by the end of the course students should be able to a)- Describe conditions for which root canal treatment is indicated and contraindicated b)- Recognize when it is appropriate to plan adjunctive endodontic treatment such as vital pulp therapy, bleaching root amputation, hemisection, endodontic surgery, apexification, orthodontic extrusion, and retreatment c)- Identify problems that require treatment modifications such as : operative complications cracked tooth, periodontal problems, isolation difficulties, restorability, strategic value, patient management, medical complications, abnormal root or pulp anatomy, impact trauma, and restricted opening. d)- Identify factors that might require referral for consultation with a physician or dental specialist. e)- State consideratio

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- By the end of the course, students should be able to perform adequate temporization of the treated tooth
2- By the end of the course, students should be able to perform adequate subjective and clinical objective and radiographic examination for the identification of pulp and periradicular diseases and in the selection of cases suitable for endodontic treatment
3- By the end of the course, students should be able to perform nonsurgical root canal treatment according to the selected appropriate treatment plan for the clinically diagnosed conditions of irreversible pulpitis or necrotic pulps wuth or without periradicular involvement. They should be able to arrange and employ the appropriate instruments, materials and techniques
4- By the end of the course, student should be able to practice film placement and cone alignment ( direct and horizontal shift )and film processing for the clinical cases during endodontic treatment
5- By the end of the course, students should be able to interpret the preoperative, working length determination, master cone and postoperative periapical X Ray films

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- The student will be able to perceive the patients and prepare the operating position and field accurately ( Either using the two hand technique or the four hand technique )
2- the student should be able to perform all cavity preparations design to receive different restorative materials according to the patient conditions
3- student should be able to perform all cavity preparations designs to receive different restorative materials according to the patient conditions
4- Should be able to deal with failed restorations either by removal or repair according to principles
5- Student should be able to give the patient the appropriate advice to prevent disease recurrence
6- By the end of the course, students should be able to manage emergency case and practice supplemental anesthesia techniques if possible
7- By the end of the course, students should be able to write a prescription for managing pain and infections
8- By the end of the course, students should be able to write a referral form for medical consultation if needed

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- By the end of the course, students should be able to perform infection control and sterilization of instruments
2- - By the end of the course, students should be able to manage fear and anxiety with behavioral techniques and empathize with patients in stressful situstions.
3- By the end of the course, students should demonstrate professional attitudes in communication with patients, other members of the dental staff and other health professionals
4- By the end of the course, students should be able to have knowledge of the hazards of ionizing radiation and regulation related to them including radiation protection and dose reduction.

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Clinical Endodontics

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Endodontic examination and diagnosis 4 Endo-Perio
Case selection for endodontic treatment and when and how to refer 4 Endo-Perio
Plan of treatment and endodontic timetable and follow up visits 4 Endo-Surgery
Emergency treatment in endodentics 4 Endo-Surgery
Periapical surgery 4 Therapeutics
Bleaching discolored teeth 4 Therapeutics

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Clinical Endodontics

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Clinical training
Role playing and hands on
Small group discussion

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Clinical Endodontics

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Final Written Examination 58.00
Mid Term Examinations 30.00 short questions, multiple choice assignments, quizzes to assess knowledge and understanding.
Mid Term Practical Examination 20.00
Oral Examination 10.00 assess clinical skills
Practical Examination 15.00 assess intellectual skills & General and transferable skills

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Clinical Endodontics


Book Author Publisher
Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp, 12th ed. (e-book) Louis H. Berman Elsevier
Endodontics: Principles and Practice, 6th ed. (e-book) Mahmoud Torabinejad Elsevier

Course notes :

Department Books available for all students

Periodicals :

6-4. EPathways of the pulp by Stephan Cohen and Richard Burns ( Library )ndodontics by Ingle ( Library )

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