Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University is one of most promising private universities in Egypt. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders.
Altagamoa Al Khames, Main centre of town, end of 90th Street
New Cairo

List of Courses

History & Theories of Architecture

  • Course Code :
    ARC 221
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3 Hours
  • Department :

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

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History & Theories of Architecture

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Identify both deciduous and permanent teeth
2- Memorize the chronology
3- Describe the anatomical changes induced in the mandible by age
4- State the significance of physiologic tooth form in protecting the periodontium
5- Describe the different curves to which the arrangement of teeth conforms.
6- Describe the relation of maxillary and mandibular teeth in normal centric occlusion as well as during different mandibular movements

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Differentiate between the deciduous and permanent human teeth.
2- Predict the approximate age of a human being according to the condition of his teeth
3- Distinguish any abnormalities in human teeth as well as in their occluding relations.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Design the morphology of different types of human teeth.
2- Create the normal shape and size of different permanent ((premolars and molars) human teeth by carving.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Manage time effectively.
2- Appreciate long life learning.

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Upper first molar Carving Lower 4 5 1 4
Upper second and third molars Carving Lower 4 5 1 4
Lower first molar Evaluation Lower 4 + Carving Lower 5 5 1 4
Lower second and third molars Carving Lower 5 5 1 4
Deciduous teeth (anterior) Evaluation Lower 5 + Carving upper 6 5 1 4
Deciduous teeth (posterior) 1st Practical Quiz + Carving upper 6 5 1 4
Physiological significance of tooth form Carving upper 6 & identification of natural upper molars (permanent & deciduous) 5 1 4
Compensating curvatures Evaluation of Upper 6 + Applied Dental Anatomy + Carving lower 6 5 1 4
Occlusion of anterior teeth Carving lower 6 5 1 4
Occlusion of anterior teeth Carving lower 6 5 1 4
Teeth at Different ages Evaluation of Lower 6 + Teeth at Different ages& identification of natural teeth 5 1 4
Mandible at different ages 2nd Practical Quiz + Mandible at different ages& identification of natural teeth 5 1 4

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures using power point.
Lectures using videos.
Lectures with discussions.
Practical and small group sessions: a. Each practical session's preceded by slide tutorial demonstration, carving videos, drawing of different teeth and class discussions. b. Demonstration of tooth carving in small groups.
Small discussion teaching.

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Final practical Examination 15.00
Final term Examination 25.00
Oral Examination 10.00
Semester practical work 25.00
Semester written Examination 25.00

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture


Book Author Publisher

Course notes :

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