Future University In Egypt (FUE)
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New Cairo

List of Courses

History & Theories of Architecture

  • Course Code :
    ARC 221
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3 Hours
  • Department :

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Area of Study :

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History & Theories of Architecture

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History & Theories of Architecture

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Distinguish the different dental hard tissues.
2- List different phases of eruption and shedding.
3- Identify the structure and the function of different dental hard tissues.
4- State the histological age changes and clinical consideration of dental tissues.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Determine the different dental hard tissues.
2- Explain any abnormalities that might affect the shedding of deciduous teeth.
3- Interpret different phases of eruption and shedding.
4- Conclude the clinical significance associated with certain dental structures.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Discover the different dental tissues as well as phases of eruption and shedding through power point data show.
2- Draw the histological structure of dental tissues
3- Demonstrate the technical steps for preparation of tooth ground and decalcified microscopic sections as well as the main histological and histochemical stains.
4- Draw both hard and soft oral tissues.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Communicate effectively with colleagues, staff members and helping personnel.
2- Demonstrate appropriate professional attitude and behavior in different situations

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History & Theories of Architecture

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Initiation of dental lamina, Bud & cap Bud stage (drawing and data show) 4 2 2
Cap stage (drawing and data show) Bell & appositional stages 4 2 2
Root development and clinical considerations. Bell stage (drawing &data show) 4 2 2
Enamel structure Physical properties Chemical properties Enamel rods Incremental lines Dentino-enamel junction Enamel lamellae Enamel spindle and tuft Surface structures Clinical aspects Appositional stage (drawing &data show) 4 2 2
Amelogenesis Enamel matrix formation Maturation of enamel Life history of ameloblasts Age changes of enamelRoot development (drawing and data show) 4 2 2
Drawing Enamel structure (longitudinal and transverse sections) Dentinogenesis Life history of odontoblasts Matrix formation and mineralization 4 2 2
Dentin structure Physical properties Chemical properties Structure of dentinal tubules Incremental lines of dentin Interglobular dentin Tome's granular layer Types of dentin Age changes of dentin. Data show Enamel structure 4 2 2
Pulp Morphology Mechanism of accessory canals formation Zones of the pulp Pulp structure Functions of the pulp Age changes of the pulp Clinical considerations Drawing Dentin structure (longitudinal and transverse sections) 4 2 2
Cementum Physical properties Chemical properties Structure of cellular and acellular cementum Cement-enamel junction Cement-dentinal junction Types of cementum Functions of cementum Cementogenesis Age changes of cementum Clinical considerations Data show Dentin structure 4 2 2
Eruption Types of eruption Eruption of deciduous teeth Pre-eruptive phase, eruptive phase and post eruptive phase (in each phase; pattern, types of movements and histological changes) Eruption of permanent teeth Pre-eruptive phase, eruptive phase and post eruptive phase (in each phase; pattern, types of movements and histological changes) Pulp(drawing and data show) 4 2 2
Theories of tooth eruption Root formation theory Bone remodeling theory Vascular pressure theory Dental follicle theory Periodontal ligament traction theory Molecular determinants of tooth eruption Cementum(drawing and data show) 4 2 2
Shedding Definition Pattern of shedding Factors determining the pattern and rate of deciduous teeth shedding Histology of shedding Clinical considerations Data show Eruption& Shedding 4 2 2

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures/ Online lectures.
Student draw in their practical books under supervision of the responsible staff members and helping personnel in small subgroups
Practical and Small group sessions: a. Each practical session's preceded by slide tutorial demonstration, description and drawing of oral tissues and class discussions. b. Demonstration for tissue identification using light microscope in small groups

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History & Theories of Architecture

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Final practical Examination 15.00
Final term Examination 25.00
Oral Examination 10.00
Semester practical work 25.00
Semester written Examination 25.00

For further information :

History & Theories of Architecture


Book Author Publisher
Netter's Essential Histology, 3th ed. (E-book) William K. Ovalle Elsevier Inc.
Textbook of Histology, 5th ed. (E-book) Leslie P. Gartner Elsevier Inc.

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