Future University In Egypt (FUE)
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New Cairo

List of Courses

Oral Medicine

  • Course Code :
    MPD 532
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

a) Foster knowledge of oral and general manifestations of different blood disorders. b) Provide opportunities for review and analysis of a wide range of cardiovascular and endocrine disorders. c) Perform dental management of medically compromised patients. d) Be aware of rules of referral and consultations. e) Have an overview of management of patients with kidney and liver diseases.

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Oral Medicine

Red blood cell disorders, White blood cell disorders, Clotting and bleeding disorders, Dental management of cardiovascular diseases, Dental management of endocrine disorders, Dental management of kidney diseases

For further information :

Oral Medicine

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Understand the different types of red and white blood cell disorders and their general and oral manifestations
2- Identify different types of clotting and bleeding disorders with their general and oral manifestations oral manifestations
3- Recall the laboratory investigations needed for proper diagnosis of various blood disorders.
4- Review dental implications and management of blood disorders
5- Discuss the etiology, mechanism and clinical features of cardiovascular diseases.
6- Describe dental management and implications of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
7- Review extra- and intraoral manifestations and dental management of endocrine disorders.
8- Describe the oral manifestations and dental management of patients with kidney diseases

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Classify different types of red and white blood cell disorders.
2- Differentiate between different types of blood disorders based on clinical manifestations and laboratory investigations.
3- Explain the dental implications and management of different blood disorders.
4- Compare between different types of anticoagulants
5- Propose the treatment plan for management of patients with different cardiovascular diseases.
6- Compare the systemic and oral manifestations of different endocrine disorders
7- Integrate the obtained clinical and investigational data base to be proficient in clinical problem solving.
8- Explain the treatment plan for patients with kidney diseases

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Formulate an individualized treatment plan for patients with different systemic disorders.
2- Report treatment options to be done by the general dentist and those that need referral and consultation.
3- Recognize patients at risk for their dental implications and management
4- Apply the brief concise case history in an informed consent.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Converse with patients in an attentive manner that conveys concern, compassion and encouragement to patients or their families.
2- Choose the effective communication means with other health care professionals.
3- Perform the possible infection control as “Safety comes first”.
4- Develop rational thinking and prudent judgment.
5- Recognize the basic concepts of quality assurance and practice management.

For further information :

Oral Medicine

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Red blood cell disorders
White blood cell disorders
Clotting and bleeding disorders
Dental management of cardiovascular diseases
Dental management of endocrine disorders
Dental management of kidney diseases

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Oral Medicine

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Small group discussion.
Case presentations.

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Oral Medicine

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Class Work 25.00
Midterms 25.00
Oral exam 10.00
Practical exam 15.00
Written exam 25.00

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Oral Medicine


Book Author Publisher

Recommended books :

• Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patients, James W. Little, Mosby: 9th Edition, 2017. • Scully`s Medical Problems in Dentistry, Crispian Scully, Churchill Livingstone: 7th Edition, 2014.

Periodicals :

• Journal of Oral surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral pathology, Oral Radiology

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