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New Cairo

List of Courses

Oral Histology

  • Course Code :
    DHST 222
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    3.00 Hours
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Instructor information :

Area of Study :

• To be in line with updates in oral biology. • To supply broad background about histology, embryology and physiology of oral and dental tissues. • To act as a base for understanding the clinical courses such as oral pathology, oral surgery and oral medicine. • To allow the development and application of appropriate professional attitude as well as communication and practical skills of the students.

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Oral Histology

1.Embryology 2.Periodontal ligament 3.Bone and alveolar process 4.Oral mucosa 5.Salivary glands 6.Maxillary sinus- Stem cells 7.Temporomandibular joint-

For further information :

Oral Histology

Course outcomes:

a. Knowledge and Understanding:

1- Define the different oral and para oral structures, with reference to regenerative cells.
2- Describe embryology of oral and para oral tissues.
3- Recall the structure and functions of different oral and para oral tissues
4- Distinguish the different hard and soft oral tissues.

b. Intellectual Skills:

1- Differentiate between the different oral and para oral tissues
2- Extrapolate any abnormalities that might affect the normal oral and para oral tissues
3- Summarize the histological age changes of oral and para oral tissues.
4- Corelate the clinical significance associated with certain oral and para oral structures.

c. Professional and Practical Skills:

1- Draw the histological structures of oral and para oral tissues
2- Apply the technical steps for preparation of tooth ground and decalcified microscopic sections as well as the main histological and histochemical stains.

d. General and Transferable Skills:

1- Communicate effectively with colleagues, staff members and helping personnel
2- Demonstrate appropriate professional attitude and behavior in different situations.

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Oral Histology

Course topics and contents:

Topic No. of hours Lecture Tutorial/Practical
Embryology 16 8 8
Periodontal ligament 8 4 4
Bone and alveolar process 9 5 4
Oral mucosa 16 8 8
Salivary glands 15 7 8
Maxillary sinus- Stem cells 4 2 2
Temporomandibular joint- 4 2 2

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Oral Histology

Teaching And Learning Methodologies:

Teaching and learning methods
Lectures / Online lectures
Practical and Small group sessions: a. Each practical session's preceded by slide tutorial demonstration, description and drawing of oral tissues and class discussions. b. Demonstration for tissue identification using data show.
Students draw in their practical books under supervision of the responsible staff members and helping personnel in small subgroups

For further information :

Oral Histology

Course Assessment :

Methods of assessment Relative weight % Week No. Assess What
Final practical Examination 15.00
Final term Examination 25.00
Oral examination to assess knowledge and understanding 10.00
Practical examination to assess practical skills & intellectual skills & general skills 25.00
written examination to assess knowledge and understanding 25.00

For further information :

Oral Histology


Book Author Publisher
Netter's Essential Histology, 3th ed. (E-book) William K. Ovalle Elsevier Inc.
Textbook of Histology, 5th ed. (E-book) Leslie P. Gartner Elsevier Inc.

Course notes :

• All lectures are available for students from the faculty as a soft copy. • Textbooks: Mary Bath-Balogh,Margaret J. Fehrenbach, Dental Embryology Histology and anatomy 4th Edition, 2015. • Websites related to the study subject • Computer presentations used during teaching • Handouts for certain topics

Recommended books :

Recommended Books: 1. Textbook of Oral Development & Histology; James Avery. 2. Tencate's Oral Histology; Antonio Nanci.

Web Sites :

Science Direct PubMed

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