To instruct students in prescribing a suitable treatment plan for partial tooth loss, and train them to prepare for the provision of fixed dental prosthesis.
Appreciate the full scope of endodontics
Be familiar with disease and conditions involving the pulpal and periradicular tissues in permanent teeth
Understand the possible etiology of disease and conditions involving the pulpal and periradicular tissues in permanent teeth
Be familiar with instruments and materials used in conventional endodontic treatment
Develop sound technical excellence in performing control cavity preparation, intraradicular cleaning, shaping, and obturation in uncomplicated signal and multicanaled extracted human permanent teeth
Be aware of procedural errors during root canal treatment; determine the effect on their prognosis; and select appropriate procedure for their correction
Develop some clinical experience in nonsurgical root canal treatment of anterior and or premolar teeth with irreversible pulpitis
To critically evaluate his or her level of competency
Develop and acquire general skills and attitudes, including: health saengineeringy and infection control; communication skills (student-staff relationship and with other healthcare professionals); lifelong learning; ethical behavior; and the profession’s wider responsibility towards the community as a whole
Demonstrate sound clinical judgment in the diagnosis and the selection of cases for treatment; and in formulating a treatment plan for individual cases. Be competent in performing root canal treatment clinically in uncomplicated single and multicanaled human permanent teeth with pulpal and periradicular including necrotic pulp with or without periradicular involvement
Provide appropriate emergency treatment for the relief of symptoms associated with pulpal and periradicular diseases
Reach a level of competency both diagnostically and technically with the capability to perform self-evaluation. The end result is independent thinking and action; the ultimate benefit is providing quality care for the patient
Be aware of preventive techniques for diseases and conditions involving the pulpal and periradicular tissues in permanent and young permanent teeth
Provide primary management of trauma
Be familiar with diagnosis and technical procedures involved in endodontic surgery
Be familiar with the etiology of tooth discoloration and perform appropriate bleaching procedures
Be familiar with interrelationships with other specialties, for example: periodontal, restorative, prosthodontic, and orthodontic specialties
Manage uncomplicated retreatment
Consider the possibility of referral to a specialist in complicated cases
Be updated with new technology in endodontics
Develop and acquire general skills and attitude including health saengineeringy and infection control, communication skills (patient – staff member and other healthcare professionals), lifelong learning, ethical behavior, and the profession’s wider responsibility towards the community as a whole